The Benefits of Daily Conscious Breathing

Did you know that there are tremendous physical, mental, and emotional benefits to taking a few moments out of your day for some conscious breathing?

I bet you breathe every day without giving it much thought. Why would you? Your breath is automatic so you really don’t need to pay any attention to it, right?

But did you know that there are tremendous physical, mental, and emotional benefits to taking a few moments out of your day for some conscious breathing? Taking the time to pay attention to your breath can help you reduce stress, increase focus, and develop a more positive outlook on life.

On a physical level if you’re stressed, your body enters into fight-or-flight mode. This increases your heart rate and sends adrenaline coursing through your veins. One way to counteract these feelings is by focusing on your breath. When you take slow, conscious breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, it helps to lower your heart rate and relax tense muscles.

Mentally, our minds are constantly bombarded with thoughts throughout the day, making it difficult to stay focused and present in the moment. Taking just a few minutes out of each day for some focused breathing can help clear away all those extra thoughts and bring you back into the present moment where you can be mindful and attentive to whatever task is at hand. Focusing on your breath can also help with anxiety by providing an anchor point from which to ground yourself whenever worries arise.

Emotionally, everyone has those days where everything seems overwhelming or you feel weighed down by negative emotions like anger or sadness. In these moments, consciously taking slow deep breaths allows us to process your feelings instead of getting caught up in them, helps create space between yourself and the emotion so you can better understand what is going on internally.

Ever, react to something then replay that reaction over and over and over again wishing you’d acted differently? (me raising hand) Conscious breathing creates a self-awareness that allows you to respond rather than react emotionally in any given situation—you can then choose how you want to act accordingly based rather than being driven by an uncontrolled emotion.

These are only a couple of the benefits conscious breathing can have on your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Believe me having a very active little one running around everyday I know how challenging it can be to find even a couple minutes to yourself. However, NOT taking these few minutes can lead to a whole array of unwanted symptoms so the benefits of these few minutes far outway anything on that pressing “to do” list.

From reducing stress levels to increasing focus to creating more space around negative emotions — practicing daily conscious breathing offers something for everyone regardless of age or lifestyle! That’s why I created this 11 minute breathing meditation just for you. Yay!

This meditation is ONLY available inside my Breath Zenergy Bundle but because you’re awesome, I wanted to gift it to you.

V.V. from MD said “Holy crap, I loved it!”

Teresa for NJ said. “It’s really helped me calm down and lower my stress and it was so fast.”

Let me know how you enjoyed it. I can’t wait to hear.

